S & S 34 Grapevine Edition 16 - 25th February 2006

Hi, this will be my last edition of the Grapevine. It is the second one I have produced since selling Roma II and it is time to move on. I would like to thank everyone for the many contributions and all the positive feedback I have received on the Grapevine and website. It's been a very rewarding task and I have made contacts with friendly S&S 34 owners world wide.

We have a Superstar amongst us, namely Tim Dallas. He has willingly come forward to take over as both the Grapevine Editor and Webmaster. Well done Timbo! I know Tim will do a great job and all S&S34 owners will get behind him with lots of contributions. We are currently in the process of handing over the website and future Grapevine articles can be sent to Tim (tim.dallas@seatrac.com.au).

Deadline for the next issue of the S&S34 Grapevine is Sunday 19th March 2006.

News - Western Australia

S&S 34 Class Racing (From Tim Dallas, Superstar) - 13/02/2006
SoPYC are organizing an inshore race in the Gage Roads area off Fremantle on 4th March 2006. If enough skippers are interested I would like to nominate this race as a Classic Fleet Race for the S&S34 Association in WA.
I’m not sure of all the details yet but thought I would drop everyone a line to gauge the level of interest. I do not imagine the course being particularly long considering the SoPYC boats have to come all the way down the river for the event
Please drop me a line if you would like to take part and I’ll get something organized.
Contact: tim.dallas@seatrac.com.au

News - New South Wales

News - Queensland

News - Victoria

Trade-A-Boat S&S34 Series (From Geoff Middleton, Lionheart) - 13/02/2006
We are still going with the Trade-A-Boat S&S34 Series out of Sandringham YC. Competition has been great and the heavier weather favoured by the crews.
The series is run in conjunction with the normal Sunday no-extras race and we’re still looking for more starters if any other owners are interested.
Unfortunately, our last race on Feb 12 was a fizzer. Our boats were going well in very light weather and all were together heading toward what we thought would certainly be a shortened course which would have made for a near-blanket finish. However, the race was not shortened and we were sent around on a final lap only to have not one boat finish the course which was most frustrating given that we all got up early for the Sunday 09.30 start!
Big Effort award goes to Charlie Amos (Red William) who got married the night before and turned up for the race next morning without his new bride!! Apparently she understood when told that he was running second and simply HAD to beat Lionheart...
Current standings after Race 8 are:
Lionheart Geoff Middleton 12
Red William Charles Amos 17
Morning Star Tim Taylor 18
Sirius Crhirs Cook 20
Morning T Michael Parkinson 23

Special thanks to the S&S34 Association for their kind offer of bulkhead plaques for the first three in the Series! They will be handed out at the presentation night for the Sunday Sailors at SYC.
Four races to go, Feb 26, March 12, March 19, Apr 2

News - International
S&S Assoc. Website (From Patrick Matthiesen) - 03/02/2006
Can members please copy their discussion forum posts onto the association website as well as the S&S34 discussion forum.

S&S Assoc. 2005 Global Challenge Cup (From Patrick Matthiesen) - 03/02/2006
If anyone wants to compete for the 2005 global Challenge Cup won last year by Huckleberry they should look at our website for the conditions and report their results to me.

Notes From Afar

The Racing Guys
FSC Terry Fisher Series
Race 3 - 22 January 2006.
Division 3 - Second & Fastest R410 Arwen Guy Bessell-Browne

FSC Club Racing
11 February 2006
Division 2 Second & Fastest Manana David Nelson

Wot's On
All S&S34 Assoc. members are invited to attended the following events.

Friday 24th February - Friday 3rd March - Geographe Bay Race Week

Sunday 26th February 9:30am - Trader-A-Boat S&S34 Series - SYC (Vic)
Contact: Sandy YC www.syc.com.au or on 9598 7444 or
Geoff Middleton (Lionheart) geoff.middleton@tradergroup.com.au

Saturday 4th - Monday 6th March - FSC Cruising Section - Labour Day Long Weekend Cruise
For more information, please contact Bernie Siddall on bsid@iinet.net.au or 0419-926-847.

Saturday 4th - Monday 6th March - RFBYC Cruising in Company - Cape Hookway (Warnbro)
Briefing: RFBYC 2nd March
For more information, please contact Contact Ron on 0408 958 323, Email: rfbyc_cinc@yahoo.com.au

Saturday 4th - Monday 6th March - HYC Cruising in Company - Rockingham
Cruise Captain: Sei Sui
Contact: Mark Morrow Mark.Morrow@weirwarman.com

Sunday 12th March 9:30am - Trader-A-Boat S&S34 Series - SYC (Vic)
Contact: Sandy YC www.syc.com.au or on 9598 7444 or
Geoff Middleton (Lionheart) geoff.middleton@tradergroup.com.au

Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th March - HYC Cruising in Company - Stark Bay
Cruise Captain: The Wizard
Contact: Mark Morrow Mark.Morrow@weirwarman.com

Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th March - FSC Cruising Section - Junior Rally to Mandurah
For more information, please contact Bernie Siddall on bsid@iinet.net.au or 0419-926-847.

Sunday 19th March 9:30am - Trader-A-Boat S&S34 Series - SYC (Vic)
Contact: Sandy YC www.syc.com.au or on 9598 7444 or
Geoff Middleton (Lionheart) geoff.middleton@tradergroup.com.au

Sunday 26th March - FSC Cruising Section - Power/Bosuns Section Trip
For more information, please contact Bernie Siddall on bsid@iinet.net.au or 0419-926-847.

Saturday 1st - Sunday 2nd April - HYC Cruising in Company - Longreach
Cruise Captain: Dr Feelgood
Contact: Mark Morrow Mark.Morrow@weirwarman.com

Sunday 2nd April 9:30am - Trader-A-Boat S&S34 Series - SYC (Vic)
Contact: Sandy YC www.syc.com.au or on 9598 7444 or
Geoff Middleton (Lionheart) geoff.middleton@tradergroup.com.au

Quote of the Week
Works and Days
(Observations made by Hesiod 800BC about sailing in the Mediterranean )

The best time for making a voyage is during the 50 days that follow upon the solstice, when summer is drawing to a close. You will not wreck your ship at that season, nor will the sea drown your men, unless Poseidon, Lord of the Earthquake, sets himself to wreck you or Zeus, king of the immortals, compasses your destruction, for issues of good or evil are in their minds.
At that season the winds are steady and the sea safe; you can therefore draw your ship into the water in confidence, relying upon the winds, and get your cargo duly within her; but come home again as fast as you can.
There is also a time in spring when men make voyages; as soon as the buds begin to show on the twigs of the fig tree about as large as the print of a crow’s foot, the sea is fit for sailing, but voyage at this season is dangerous. I do not advise it, I do not approve of it, for the voyage will be a snatched one, you will hardly escape trouble of some sort.
Nevertheless, men are foolish enough to go on voyages even then, for money is the life and soul of us poor mortals, but drowning is a horrible death. I bid you, therefore think well over all that I have been saying to you.

Joke of the Week
Brenda is home making dinner, when Tim arrives at her door.
"Brenda, may I come in?" he asks. "I've somethin' to tell ya."
"Of course you can come in; you're always welcome, Tim. But where's my husband, Shamus?"
"That's what I'm here to be tellin' ya, Brenda. When we returned from sailing on my Cal 31, there was an accident. "Oh, God no!" cries Brenda. "Please don't tell me..."
Well, it wasn’t on the boat but on the way home from the dock. We stopped by the brewery for a pint and that’s when the accident occurred." "Oh, no!" cries Brenda. "Please don't tell me..."
"I must, Brenda. Your husband Shamus is dead and gone. I'm sorry."
Finally, she looked up: "How did it happen, Tim?"
"It was terrible, Brenda. He fell into a great swirling vat of Guiness and drowned."
“Oh my dear Jesus! But you must tell me true. Did he at least go quickly?"
"Well," began Tim, with head bowed. "No, Brenda... no." "No?" cried Brenda.
"Fact is," lamented Tim, "your husband climbed out three times to pee."

Definition of the Week
High-fiction coating applied as a gloss over minor details in personal nautical recollections to improve their audience-holding capacity over frequent re-tellings.

Sail The Web
All W.A. skippers will now need to obtain a Recreational Skippers Ticket. Details are on the website www.dpi.wa.gov.au.

Readers Mart
Let me know if you have anything to advertise or questions to ask for the next issue (Ed).

John McCormack (Morning Bird)
I need a No 3 headsail and a storm jib for a short rig boat. Must be fair to good condition.
Please email John at huon_24@bigpond.com (I am in Sydney)

The Legal Stuff

S&S34 Grapevine is an opt-in, privately maintained e-newsletter in association with the S&S34 Association of WA.

Submissions gratefully received, Please send to: laws@iinet.net.au
with "S&S34 Grapevine Article" in the subject line
Text only - no attachments will be opened.

If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter please email: laws@iinet.net.au
Type "S&S34 Grapevine SUBSCRIBE yacht name" in the subject line and I shall add you to any further mail outs.
It is not necessary to join the Assoc. to receive the Grapevine emails. Although, it would be appreciated if you could also include the following details so that the S&S34 Association "List of Yachts" can be updated:
Sail Number, Yacht Club, Boat Name, Owners names, Phone Numbers (Home, Work, Mobile, Fax) and Address.

If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter please email: laws@iinet.net.au
Type "S&S34 Grapevine UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line and I shall remove you from any further mail outs.

Although I scan all outgoing e-mail and attachments for viruses, I cannot guarantee that viruses will not be transmitted with this E-mail. It is the recipient's responsibility to check this e-mail for viruses.