
Owner Gordon Symes (Yachtmaster Sailing School)
Berthed Queenscliff Harbour Marina, Vic*
Sail Number B 77
Australian Registration
State Registration
Call Sign
Hull Number
Fit Out
Previous Owners
Previous Names

*Noted to be berthed in Queenscliff (Aug 2016, by Tom Hinton). Previously RBYC.


Photo: Col Barling

Inspecting the new engine, circa 2008. Photo: Col Barling

5 thoughts on “Crystal

    • Thanks very much Paul,
      If you come across any of the owners or their contact details could you please pass them on to me and I will contact them & update their websites (you don’t need to be a member for this).
      Regards, Simon

  1. Sadly, Crystal has fallen deeply into disrepair after a substantial collision which has left damage to the bow structure and bent severely damaged and bent bow roller. The standing and running rigging are rusty and need new chainplates due to water ingress. What was once a great boat is now in need of a complete rebuild, very sad. Hopefully someone with a dee wallet can bring Crystal back from the grave.

  2. Hi I purchased S&S 34 Crystal and it’s currently berthed in Martha Cove however it will be coming to my home in Safety Beach for a refit soon. I sailed her from Queenscliff on 23/10/2018

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