Letter from Sparkman & Stephens re new tall rig, July 1982

This letter was sent to Dr Fred Grauaug as President of the Association in 1982, in response to a query as to the most favourable rig dimensions (with a view to racing competitively). As always this is a trade off between light air vs heavy air performance, and rating.  The recommended dimensions were ultimately standardised as the “Mk 2” or “tall” rig with a 43′ “I” measurement, although the longer 12’6″ (13.8m) “E” measurement was retained. There were some individual variations as owners did “their own thing” but most tall rigs are close to the S&S specs (see the also the plans under the “new boat” section).  Please click on the link below to read the full letter:

Letter from S&S re new rig 20 July 82

Click here for a higher res view of the old rig plans: copy of original rig plan from S&S re new rig 20 July 82