Join/renew membership

Membership is only $30 annually, to make things easier we are happy to accept 2 years membership at a time if you prefer. Please Note: The annual subscription is for the period 1st July to 30th June the following year

You can direct deposit to Bank West account; S & S 34 Association of W A,
BSB 306 050 Account 418 7992.
Please use your Surname as your deposit reference.

OR, post a cheque or money order payable to S&S 34 ASSOCIATION  to:

Robert Eliott-Lockhart
Treasurer – S&S34 Assoc.
9B Simper St
Wembley WA 6014. Australia

Please contact Robert Eliott-Lockhart ( if required to discuss any aspects of joining/renewing your membership.

If you or your boat details have changed (or you are a new member) please forward the following information to  Owners names, Address, Yacht name, Yacht Club, Sail Number, Boat Name, Racing or Cruising?, Phone Numbers (Home, Work, Mobile) and email address

4 thoughts on “Join/renew membership

  1. Currently I own another beaut type of yacht Hans Christian 38 but looking to swap to S&S34
    I was privileged to sail on “Bluebell” back in 79 which started the dream

    • Whats the story on the Hans Christian 38, I’ve got an S&S 34 launched in 1981 I’ve been living on since 1996 and looking for something bigger.

  2. Good day Sir;

    I have been looking for a S&S 34 since last September until I found the one named “Voile d’Or”
    (which means ” Golden sail “) in the marina of Levington /Suffolk/U.K.
    It is a 1970’s unit built by Aquafibre yard.
    After a survey and some hesitations, I bought this sail boat which had some pending problems to be fixed. (Mast step corrosion for instance).
    The boat is still ashore after nearly 3 years and not yet commissioned nor seaworthy.
    I began sailing as a sea-scout and achieved a career in the French merchant navy (tankers’ Chief engineer & tech. superintendent for LPG-LNG tankers) & 9 years of oil & gas tankers’ vetting inspector; it was time to enjoy my retirement plan 2 yars ago.
    This good boat should be based in North Brittany / France as soon as possible.

    If you agree with this request, I shall be happy to join your association and share discussions with members in spite of distance.
    Many thanks
    Best regards

    Mr Hervé HILIQUIN

  3. Dear Sirs,

    Bought Quick Step II lying in Portugal, this month !
    Would like to join the SS34 Owners Association.
    Can you provide a IBAN / SWIFT for a bank transfer from EU.
    The above bank details will require a trip to the bank and transfer charges.


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