Swan River Retro Series 2015-16

The 7th Swan River retro Series is about to get underway, with the first race this Sunday 25th October.  Anyone wanting a fun, relaxed and friendly race series should enter now. Most S&S 34s are eligible.  Please read below for further details and log onto the RFBYC website for more info, or contact Manfred on the number below for any queries:

Ahoy! ~ Swan River Retro Yacht Sailors, Yachties and Vintage Yacht Enthusiasts

Re this seasons 7thSWAN RIVER RETRO YACHT SERIES 2015 – 2016:

We are looking forward to a fabulous summer of classic yacht sailing and camaraderie from all the yacht clubs of the Swan and ‘Beyond’.

This years event will be hosted by Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club. 

We look forward to receiving your entry and welcoming you on the water this summer enjoying the 7thSwan River Retro Yacht Series on our wonderful waters with camaraderie and friendship at the completion of the days sailing.

 Note from the SRRYS – Race Officer:

“Before the Start signal, entrants shall hail their sail number in close proximity to the Start Boat”.  This will minimise the possibility of the Start Team missing a starter on the record sheets. 

“The option of AP flag [Postponement] right up to milli-seconds before Start.  In effect, if the Starter observes the obvious, I repeat, obvious likelihood of a General Recall before the Start, then the preferred signal is AP.  The reason is that the flag signaller is continuously ready to hoist AP at any moment during the start sequence whereas technically the General Recall signal should be the forward most flag – and there is scope for a few seconds delay in hoisting General Recall.

 If you have any questions or require more detail please contact myself or Carol Martin @ RFBYC.

(Additional information at all times: http://www.rfbyc.asn.au/ – see coming events)

Best regards, Manfred Speicher  SRRYS Co-coordinator RFBYC

BACCHANTE RF 1939  Mobile 0416018407

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