Fifty Sixth Cockburn Sound Regatta

Fifty Sixth Cockburn Sound Regatta

This season sees the Fifty Sixth Cockburn Sound Regatta taking place from the 26th of December to the 30th December 2013.  Planning is well under way with Chairperson Alan Campbell putting together a team to ensure that, ‘Serious Sailors having Serious Fun’ remains our key catchcry.  This year we are planning to have two race courses particularly with the idea of catering for ‘Off the Beach’ yachts.  A step in the right direction for us and of course aimed at increasing the yachting fleet for 2013. There will still be opportunities for Associations to work with Alan and the committee to have their state or national titles managed during the regatta.

Trevor Milton will once again be Principal Race Officer and along with his very capable team ensure that on water management is of the highest order. The club is increasing the number of moorings this year and for those keen enough there will be opportunities to enjoy the New Year celebrations at the club and Palm Beach.

The CSR Website is up and running and being kept up to date. It now has a place for skippers looking for crew or yachties who want to crew, check it out.  The CSR webmaster is doing a great job and encouraging the committee to keep information flowing. CSR is also on Facebook and regular updates are appearing there. Comments and feedback are always welcome.

The Notice of Race (NOR) is published on the website and nominations are OPEN!

We are very pleased to have Kwinana Industries Council as our major partner and sponsor of the CSR along with The City of Rockingham Council. This support has been so vital in helping with resources and establishing infrastructure for the growth of the regatta. DhuWest Inflatables have once again been very generous by providing a RIB that we are using to encourage early registration. All entries received and paid by 30th of November go into the draw for the Dhuwest RIB

Planning for on shore activities is well under way. A new prestigious rum sponsor Cubaney Rum is on board and we are sure that their offerings will add to the atmosphere of the regatta. Along with themed evening meals and entertainment we will be having a pig on a spit which should satisfy the most ravenous yachties.

We are delighted to have many of our original sponsors on board who may be sponsoring a day’s sailing or providing yachting based equipment for yachties to win or gain in prizes.  So check out the CSR web site and Facebook page.

See you all in December.

Cockburn Sound Regatta Committee – Serious Sailors having Serious Fun

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